If you approach a company for a job, these days, you will most likely find that their qualification requirements compiles a long list of credentials. The highly competitive education system and limited spots at universities has meant that you are forced to fight for your chance to achieve a decent qualification. Furthermore, competitive economic conditions have meant that companies now want the best of the best, and hence, their list of qualifications required keeps growing each year.
More and more people are struggling these days to find a job. Similarly, companies are now finding that due to their extremely lengthy criteria, they may sometimes be forced to hire someone that is unqualified, due to lack of applicants.
While a company could hire such an unqualified employee and give them the necessary training needed, there are many dangers to hiring such a person.
Time and money spent on training
Most companies would send new, and existing, employees through regular training programmes to ensure that they remain highly trained, efficient, and practical. However, if a company ends up hiring an unqualified employee, then the basic training and knowledge that the employee would have received through an actual qualification, must be provided by the company. This costs the business extra time and money; two things no business feels that they have in excess to just spend unnecessarily.
Danger to others
For some professions such as medicine and law, a basic and standard qualification is absolutely necessary, no exceptions. However, there may be other professions where care must be taken to ensure harm is not done to others, and therefore, the employee should have been qualified to undertake the job. For instance, an unqualified instructor that is hired to give driving lessons in Wynnum Manly may put you as well as others in danger. Hiring such an individual will not only cause harm to those on the street, but also to the employee and the client themselves. Damage to property will also be a factor here, which the company in charge will most likely have to pay for.
While hiring someone unqualified to provide relatively cheap driving lessons may seem beneficial, financial-wise, in the long-run, the issues caused through this will put the company as well as others in a lot of trouble.
Illegal activity
Not only is it highly ethical and immoral for jobs such as the aforementioned deriving instructor positions, to be given to unqualified individuals, but it may also be illegal according to the law.
Severely endangering the general public through such actions may find the company guilty of carrying out an illegal act.